Halloween Costumes Inspired By Film & TV for 2022
Somehow, it’s Halloween again, and we’re all scrambling to pull a costume together because, let’s be honest, you haven’t given it thought all month! You’re currently faced with the same questions as last year: Do I go genuinely scary? Can I be bothered to go genuinely frightening? I could dress as a celebrity. Maybe a couple's costume? How about something funny? Do I even want to wear a costume?
We hear you. It’s annoying, especially with how busy the world currently is, but there is always one place that will gift you the best costume ideas, film and TV. 2022 has been a great year for the film industry giving us tonnes of costume inspiration from Don’t Worry Darling to Everything Everywhere All At Once. Whether you want to go spooky or fun, here are some ideas to hopefully lessen your stress!
Don’t Worry Darling
Image: Merrick Morton/Warner Bros
Everyone’s been talking about this film and not always for the best of reasons, however, in Florence Pugh’s character Alice you’ll find perhaps one of the easiest costumes. Simply throw your hair back (better if you’re blonde), put on a nice white dress and a nice splattering of blood across the midsection.
Image: Jaap Buitendijk
Technically, this film isn’t even out yet and we’re all obsessed with it! Bright and fun this is a great costume for someone that doesn’t overly enjoy the spooky side of things. Also a great one if you’re blonde, but as long as you’re wearing a reasonable amount of pink you’ll get the costume across!
Stranger Things
Image: Netflix
A much simpler costume than Vecna, dressing as Max this Halloween will be a popular choice! This costume can be pulled from your wardrobe rather easily, all you need is a pair of jeans, a white top and a blue sweater. Bonus points for an authentic pair of 1980s headphones.
Image: HBO Max
Want to look like you’re part of the high school’s production of Oklahoma? To perfect this Cassie look from the latest season of Euphoria find yourself a baby blue mini dress and blow out your hair!
House of The Dragon
Image: HBO Max/Warner Brothers
Admittedly, this is quite a hard costume to pull off but if you do manage it everyone will be mightily impressed!
Everything Everywhere All At Once
Image: A24
She may have caused utter chaos but Jobu Tupaki sure had some ridiculously fun costumes! Shove a bagel on your head, dress as Elvis, wear loads of feather boas and wear bright makeup. Just let go and go for it!
Image: A24
One for the horror fans, dressing as Pearl is not as hard as you may think! Find a vintage red dress or a pair of blue dungarees and shove your hair in plaits, bonus points for an axe (please be safe though.)