10 People Share The Fashion Advice They Wish They Had When They Were Younger

Developing a fashion style can be a confusing process, especially in an internet-focused world. Trends follow us wherever we go making it difficult to distinguish what we like and what we don’t. A concept that some forget about fashion is that it is an ever-changing thing, it is not static, it is always in motion. Think about what you were wearing in 2015 and I’m sure you dress very differently nowadays! Some people are naturally drawn to the fashion world and find clothing exciting and invigorating, but many simply do not know what to do. They say that you gain confidence as well as wisdom with age, but that means we spend a lot of our earlier years in constant states of discombobulation struggling to discover who we are. Fashion is an outward expression of our inner thoughts, beliefs and feelings so it is imperative that we dress in ways that we love. So, we reached out to our followers to ask for their fashion advice/tips that they wish they had known about earlier in the hopes it may help someone else! 

Here’s what some had to say:

1) “Find a colour palette that makes you happy and suits your skin tone, you’ll suddenly feel so much more confident in your outfits and will find it easier to create multiple outfits from what you already have!”

2) “You can be fashionable and comfortable. You do not need to make yourself uncomfortable in order to fit a certain aesthetic. Wear what makes you look good and feel good. This includes wearing fabrics that you enjoy touching and feelings, as a person with neurodivergency this was a hard hurdle because I felt that in order to look attractive I needed to overstimulate myself with popular fabrics that I did not like. Also, shoes are the most important investment you can make. They can be stylish and comfortable, just keep your eyes peeled and try things on.”

3) “Clothes are meant to fit you, not the other way around.”

4) “Look at your outfit from all angles before you go out. When trying things on, remember that if something doesn’t fit, it’s the fault of the sizing, not your body. If you’re ever feeling unglamorous or a bit ‘off’, put on a bright lipstick and it changes everything. Find out where your natural waist is - some people have a high waist and others a low waist - and don’t be afraid to accentuate it, with a belt for example.”

5) “If I think my outfit is a bit too dressy (especially when I’m wearing a dress) I put on my converse before I change. 9 times out of 10, they dress it down nicely. Suddenly my outfit becomes casual enough for school!”

6) “Wear whatever brings you joy - and the mirrors in fitting rooms lie.”

7) “Trendy t-shirts with words on them go out of style the quickest. Timeless and wordless shirts for the win!”

8) “Invest in fewer but better-quality pieces you can have for a long time, instead of a lot of cheaper more flimsy stuff. I know it’s tempting in the age of fast fashion, but I’m so much happier with the things I know are well made. You don’t need a lot of pieces to be able to create lots of outfits. And, before you buy something think about how you can incorporate it into what you already have. That way, you’ll avoid buying things you’re rarely able to wear.”

9) “Follow what looks good on your own body, not what trends dictate! I’m a 90s kid and very petite, when I was younger I would wear those low rise baggy trousers all the time because they were hyped, I used to think high waisted bottoms would make me look ‘grannyish’ so I always avoided them. Until I tried on a pair, discovered how long my legs look and never looked back! So many years wasted on ill-fitting outfits lol.”

10) “After years of wanting them, I finally have pregnancy clothes to help with my bloated belly and am so much happier! They reduce the pain around my digestive system so much and I am so thankful for a boyfriend who convinces  me to adapt to my disabilities instead of pushing through.” 

Molly Elizabeth Agnew

Founder of Eternal Goddess.


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