Does Vintage Style Have To Be Accurate?

As someone who spends a lot of time critiquing accuracy and authenticity in historical costume design, it may surprise you that when it comes to wearing vintage style in everyday life, I really do not care. “Does your vintage style have to be accurate?” is a question that gets asked in the vintage community often, and there can be a lot of differing opinions, and I think it’s a topic that needs to be discussed. So, what is accuracy in this context? Well, when we are talking about accuracy in the vintage community, we are talking about how accurate your outfits look. Are you doing your hair in the absolutely correct way for that decade? Are you wearing the correct undergarments to create the desired silhouette? Are you wearing purely true vintage from that decade? Do you look like you’ve just walked out of a time machine? 

The accuracy in historical costume in television and film is important, for several reasons. If you are watching a film set in the 1830s, then the costumes should reflect this, much like set design would too. This all helps you delve into the story and the world of the film. If you are watching a biopic about Queen Victoria then you want to see her wearing accurate gowns, not jeans and a t-shirt! Of course, it is different when we talk about dystopian films or films that aren’t really set in a time frame. Take Carnival Row, the Amazon Prime series featuring Orlando Bloom and Cara Delevigne, about mythological creatures. At its essence it is fantasy, but you can tell by the costume design that is inspired by the 1890s, and because it is fantasy the costumes are 1890s but exaggerated and distorted. And it works, but only because it is a fantasy series. So, yes, accuracy can be important and in many cases it is imperative, but I believe that this is only in film, tv and theatre, not necessarily in real life. 

When I started delving into the vintage world I was intimidated by all these stunning vintage people that looked like they just stepped out of 1951, and I wanted to be like them because I thought that was how you had to dress if you wanted a vintage style. I forced myself to dress in a way that emulated this, I wanted to be as accurate as humanly possible. And, if I’m honest, it was a drain, I hated it. It was stressful making myself set my hair as often as I could, making sure every outfit I was photographed in looked like it could have been worn by my grandma seventy years ago. And, most importantly, it wasn’t authentic to me. It took me a while to realise that my style was personal to me, it had to be unique to me, I couldn’t just copy what other vintage girls wore. My style has evolved, from staying in the late 40s and early 50s lane, to sometimes exploring the mod world and mini skirts of the 60s. Sometimes, I mix and match the two! Who says I can’t wear a true vintage 40s dress with Twiggy inspired eye makeup. For me, fashion is all about experimentation and having fun. It shouldn’t be stressful or scary, it should be liberating and an extension of your personality. And THAT is why I believe vintage style doesn’t have to be accurate.

Of course, my viewpoint isn’t the be-all and end-all, I am not the maker of vintage-style rules! So, I asked you what you think. Here are some of your answers:

“If you’re not a perfectionist, then I don’t think so. If it also resembles the style or decade then it’s okay.”

“No! Never!”

“I mean - if you like pieces of fashion from different decades why not mix and match?”

“Not if you’re only wearing it for fun! For an era specific event,yes. Because eras take inspiration from past decades, it’s okay to mix it up.”

“No that would be in many ways impossible to achieve for many of us and it is not fun.”

“No, it can be inspired. I feel like if i’m thinking too hard about accuracy it’s a costume.”

“Depends. Personal style - no. Artistic movies/plays - no. Drama movie/play - yes.”

“No. I go for a vintage feel and if it can be accurate that’s great but mix up eras too.”

“No I think everyone has their own interpretation of ‘vintage style’ - that’s what makes it fun!”

“No, not for everyday life!”

“No way. Mix it all up. Wear different decades together & make it your own style.”

“Definitely not. I’m totally into 50s fashion but I hate 50s hairstyles. 60s handbags are my favourite!”

“No. Im feel it just needs a sense of the style or period elements even if it’s modern.”

“It’s whatever makes you comfortable. But don’t claim you are accurate if you are not.”

“Not necessarily, as long as it encompasses the time period I think it’s totally fine.”

Molly Elizabeth Agnew

Founder of Eternal Goddess.


Is It Accurate? Marie Antoinette


Mourning Jewellery